NTCP Help Meets

NTCP Help Meets

NTCP Help Meets

Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

The first definition in Webster’s dictionary for help is: To aid; to assist; to lend strength or means towards effecting a purpose; as, to help a man in his work; to help another in raising a building; to help one to pay his debts; to help the memory or the understanding.
MEET means: suitable; proper; qualified; convenient; adapted, as to a use or purpose.

I would ask you to consider a very important aspect of New Testament Church Planting. This would be the dear wives of all of our workers who alongside their husbands spend each of their days facing circumstances which would cause most of us to quit.
Having left their homes and friends behind they set out to help others at the cost of many of life’s pleasures. The security that we know, we all enjoy because stability is thrown to the wind and the passion to go as the Lord leads takes over.

Their homes become cramped mobile machines that constantly require the funds designated for life’s necessities to be used to fill fuel tanks and replace parts that constantly wear out and yet they travel on.
Many wives school their children, plan the activities, and explain constantly why children are not allowed on the worksite. All the time their heart aches for a husband who tries to help new churches build a beautiful building on very limited funds.

Trips to the laundromat are long term opportunities for some time to sit and reflect on just what it was that cause them to choose this life anyway. When the clothes are finished, her heart is once again settled on God’s call and her commitment to stand by her man and be the helpmeet he needs and deserves.

These wives know how to rub sore muscles and express to her husband just how important his work is and how wonderfully he does it.
You see these ladies are true help meets that need and deserve our prayers and support. We would do well to learn from their examples.

Thank you,
Mrs. Randall Moody
417 881 8922