Standing Strong Adult Class

The Adult Sunday School Class geared toward those couples with children at home.

Standing Strong Class has been taught by Pastor Moody, and since 2021 has been led by Associate Pastor Thomas Isaacson. We like to dig deep into the Scriptures to search out the truth and the wisdom for application within our families. Our class covers a range of topics and is designed toward an open discussion format. We encourage questions and comments which are beneficial to all and can often drive the discussions into real application help for classmates.

We have also studied various books of the Bible, often using study materials from Bible Institute level courses. One example would be our study of Daniel, which led into the deeper study of Eschatology (The Study of End Times).

While our class is traditionally made up of young couples with children living at home, we do have some ‘mature’ classmates who provide excellent resources of wisdom and the “Been there, Done that” level of experience which can be so valuable.

If you are looking for a place to fit in, and get immersed in the search and study of Scripture, and how they can be applied in your family, come visit us!