11 Jan Newsletter from Mrs Moody – First Quarter 2022
Dear Partners in the Ministry,
January 3, 2022
One of the blessings of this time of year is the chance to connect with folks near and far. It has been a wonderful year for the Moody Family!!
We had a great time with our children and grandchildren celebrating the birth of our King and Saviour!! We were able to go to Arkansas and visit and celebrate with our family there. My husband has lost a sibling every year for the past 5 years. There were 13 Moody children, 9 boys and 4 girls, now there are 2 boys and 2 girls. So, we were able to spend Christmas day with his 2 sisters…his brother lives in Spokane and was not able to make it home.
We are all happy and healthy!! The Lord has been so good to all of us this past year and we have much to be thankful for!! We celebrated 37 years at Wilson Creek Baptist Church in June and our 49th wedding anniversary in August! We neither one like change. We’ve had a wonderful life together…since we met in 4th grade at the age of 9. Took us a few years to fall in love and my husband teasingly says we have had a great marriage for the last 5 years.
We serve a Mighty God!! If Christ had not come as that babe in a manger…we would have no need to celebrate having a Saviour. Yes, He lived a perfect and sinless life and then was obedient to the Father and died on a rugged cross for my sins and yours! Praise the Lord He arose on the 3rd day and that’s the gospel.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
I never tire of hearing or reading that verse. I spoke at the nursing home in December about the sounds of Christmas. One of them being the reading of the Christmas story. I pray that story will be music to your ears not just at Christmas but all year long.
As many of you may or may not know that Mrs. Bob (Barbara) Perryman went home to be with her Lord after a battle with cancer on Nov 16, 2021. Bro Perryman passed away on Nov 17, 2020. She had said many times that she asked the Lord to allow her to live long enough to take care of the Godly husband that He had given to her. God answered that prayer and many more. Mrs. Perryman was such a godly and encouraging lady to me.
Thank you again for supporting New Testament Church Planting another year. Excited to see what the Lord will do with all of us in 2022!
Thank You
Mrs. Randall Moody