24 Jan Newsletter from Pastor Randall Moody – First Quarter 2019
The Rush of Life
It is that time of the year when we are in the midst of finishing and starting so many things. We certainly rejoice over what God has done throughout 2018 and anticipate what He will do in 2019.
Here at New Testament Church Planting, we have been able to see many projects started as well as many finished.
We finished the year with crews in North Carolina, Texas, Florida, and Washington State. At this time we are working on several projects at varying stages of completion.
Ministry, like all aspects of our lives, comes with challenges. These challenges need to be approached as opportunities for God to work in our lives. Building facilities for churches seems to be an area where challenges are abundant.
Ray McCullough and Karl Badalian share the responsibility of planning and scheduling projects as well as assisting pastors in the permit process.
Please pray for Ray’s wife Susie as she is recovering from cancer.
Karl fell off a twelve-foot roof in Montalba TX, but God was gracious and bruised pride and soreness were the only damage.
Most of our loans are paying well and those churches are growing. We are working with two churches that are struggling and trust their upcoming year will be blessed. Two new loans are in the process at this time. One in Texas and another in Wyoming. One being built from the ground up and the other an existing building being purchased.
I receive numerous calls for assistance with financing. Many of these do not fit the guidelines for NTCP loans but we are able to counsel those churches in preparing properly to meet with a bank.
Our church will be chartering a new work this month and will have four active church plants continuing.
There is a desperate need for more families to heed the call of God and by faith move to these areas where many churches are failing or don’t even exist.
The pioneering spirit seems to have fallen prey to the false premise that full-time ministry requires not working a “secular job”.
We can never assume to know God’s will for other people, but His “COMMAND” has not changed.
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Serving together,
Pastor Randall Moody