Newsletter from Karl and Mary Badalian – May and June, 2019

Newsletter from Karl and Mary Badalian – May and June, 2019

Newsletter from Karl and Mary Badalian – May and June, 2019


Bible Baptist Church in Montalba, Texas was able to start meeting in their “mostly” finished building on May 1st. Praise God that now this congregation’s tithes and offerings will no longer go toward rent.

Our work on the building progressed in this order. The tile in the foyer was laid. The drywall mudding and texturing was done on the remaining three classrooms. The walls were then painted and the drop ceilings, air conditioning ducts, and lights were all installed. The suspended ceilings were then done in the three remaining classrooms then the front classroom was tiled and the remaining two classrooms were carpeted. I was so glad to have
Mary’s help especially when we were grouting the foyer and front classroom and getting the floors sealed. After getting that all accomplished we were able to install trim in the rest of the church building, along with hanging several more interior doors.

Please remember these brothers and sisters in your prayers as they grow a work there for the Lord.

During the month of June we were also able to help our home Church, Wilson Creek Baptist Church, with two church camps. What a pleasure to again work with our church members and young people.

Thank you so much for all of you that prayed for Mary’s sister, Angie. Her recovery continues to be miraculous, and today she is in rehab getting her walking and self-care abilities back after being hospitalized for so long.

The church in Montalba, Texas is now blessed with a finished building. And we are blessed to have Angie recovering. Thank you so much for praying and praise the Lord for his mercy toward us.

Our future plans are to go to Arkansas, Indiana, or wherever else the Lord leads. Thank you for supporting us and the New Testament Church Planting ministry.

1 Thessalonians 5:25 Brethren, pray for us.

May and June 2019
Karl and Mary Badalian