Lighthouse Baptist Church, Waterloo, IA

Lighthouse Baptist Church, Waterloo, IA

Lighthouse Baptist Church, Waterloo, IA

Pastor Mike Davis

Pastor Mike Davis, his wife Jeanette and their children Brett, Josiah, Sarah, Katie, Hannah, Elizabeth and Tabitha (yes, count ‘em, that’s 7!) are doing a tremendous work here in Waterloo!

This project began in July 2004 and is still ongoing.  Pictures will be added often.

The church bought 4 acres of corn field (that’s about the only kind of field in Iowa, right?) and they are in the process of finishing a nice steel building.  NTCP is happy to be on the job.

Right now the Stewart’s McCullough’s, Bray’s, Migues and Glaesman’s are on the job.

Click here to visit Lighthouse Baptist’s Web Site!

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Pastor and his family”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”This is where the church is currently meeting”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Roofers hard at work”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”A roofer not so hard at work”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”The WORK CREW”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Ray McCullough painting”]