Gospel Light Baptist Church, Farmington, AR

Gospel Light Baptist Church, Farmington, AR

Gospel Light Baptist Church, Farmington, AR

Pastor David Cook

NTCP was able to assist in the building of the new auditorium for a few days between jobs. Bro. Ray McCullough was able to assist pastor Cook with the installation of the new drop ceiling.

While Brother Ray was there, he attended a local fellowship meeting with the pastor. At the meeting, the pastor discussed with the other pastors there how Brother Ray was going to assist the church with the ceilings. Praise God! The pastors at that meeting raised the $1,000 needed for the materials to complete the ceiling.

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://wilsoncreekbaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/glbc01.jpg” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=””]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://wilsoncreekbaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/glbc02.jpg” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Pastor Cook (on the ladder) surveying the platform and the recently delivered baptistry”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://wilsoncreekbaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/glbc03.jpg” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Brother Ray McCullough on the scaffold assembling the ceiling grid”]