Focus on America Conference 2013

Focus on America Conference 2013

Focus on America Conference 2013
Wilson Creek Baptist Church

The sixth annual Focus on America church planting conference was held at Wilson Creek Baptist Church near Battlefield, MO. The theme of this year’s conference “Labourers Together” was exemplified in the spirit and hospitality of the host church. The task of planning and caring for over 350 in attendance was met with excitement and anticipation of what the Lord would accomplish. Housing was provided for all church planters and some helps ministries as well as all meals for the entire crowd.

Pastor Moody said “numbers are not the best indicator of a successful meeting but it was good to see an increase in all areas of the meeting”. With over thirty church planting families as well as over twenty helps ministries represented, the only thing lacking was time. Since it is a church planting meeting all church planters are able to present the work that God has called them to, and this was accomplished with ample time for great preaching and fellowship. Helps ministries were able to introduce themselves from the platform and all left with a good love offering.

The preaching was biblical and addressed the spiritual needs of believers as well as the necessity of taking the gospel throughout the world beginning in our “Jerusalem”. When ask how he chooses who will be preaching, Pastor Moody answered, “We do not invite men for the purpose of preaching but as soon as I know established pastors are coming for the meeting, we pray and seek God’s wisdom in selecting men to preach”. Preaching this year included men like: Bill Amberg, Mike Holmes, Brad Jenkins, Michael Scott, Gary Winters, Steve Brudnak and Dennis Fountain Jr. God moved in a great way through all these men and there was a true spirit of revival and refreshing.

Pastor Moody and the people of Wilson Creek Baptist saw the vision and sacrifice of other local churches out west as they unselfishly served and encouraged church planters through the years. With the encouragement of men like Pastor Dave Brown and Pastor Cliff Mizer, there is now a local church conference in the middle of the nation where church planters can come, have many of their needs met as well as enjoy three days of preaching, food, and fellowship. As with all conferences such as this, there is a great need for pastors of established churches to come and preach, teach, and encourage these families.

The giving for the three day Focus on America conference was $63,232.00 and for this we PRAISE THE LORD.

The 2014 Focus On America conference will be October 21-23.