26 May Focus on America Church Planting Conference 2015
Wilson Creek Baptist Church
Focus on America Church Planting Conference
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Dear Church Planting Friends
We are excited about our 2015 conference. We have Prayed, Planned, and Prepare, now the rest is up to you. Pastors come prepared to preach and to present your work and needs.
Information on conference:
- Where: Wilson Creek Baptist Church
6411 S. Farm Road 115
Register at:
(We are located just southwest of Springfield MO)
- When: October 20 – 22, 2015 (We will start at 5:30 PM Tuesday Night with dinner) Morning services will begin at 9:00 AM with breakfast being served at 8:00
- Why: This conference has been planned to collectively help meet the spiritual and material needs of church planters. We understand that anyone who ministers to others will certainly be encouraged themselves.
- Room rates vary in the Springfield area: There are many different motels in Springfield and the best rates can be found by using priceline.com and use their “express hotels deal”. As a church planter if you book your own room we will reimburse you $50.00 a day for up to 3 days.
We have homes to stay in and dormitory style housing
at the church for men who are traveling alone.
- Note: Wilson Creek Baptist will assist with rooms and fuel money for all church planters as the Lord provides.
- All meals will be served at the church and refreshments will follow each evening service.
Once again let me encourage you to come to this “Conference on Church Planting”.
You will also have the privilege of fellowshipping with pastor and church planters in a relaxed and refreshing atmosphere.
Any assistance you could give us by calling ahead and letting us know you are coming would be a blessing.
We have tried to remove as many obstacles as possible but if we can help in any other way please call me at the church or on my cell phone.
Note of accountability: All expenses for this conference will be paid from the general account of Wilson Creek Baptist Church. No money given to New Testament Church Planting will be used to finance this meeting.
Pastor Randall Moody
Cell: 417-848-0445 Church: 417-883-2468
E-mail Rmoody54@gmail.com