Flag Chapel Baptist Church, Jackson, MS

Flag Chapel Baptist Church, Jackson, MS

Flag Chapel Baptist Church, Jackson, MS

Pastor Dexter Truesdale

In January 2004, several of NTCP’s crews were able to help Bro. Truesdale and the Flag Chapel Baptist Church renovate their parsonage, work that was desperately needed. This is the type of work that NTCP can help do during the off-peak months where we are unable to build in most parts of the country.

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://wilsoncreekbaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/fcbc012.jpg” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Flag Chapel Baptist Church”]

[styled_image size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://wilsoncreekbaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/fcbc022.jpg” icon=”zoom” lightbox=”yes” alt=”Our NTCP Superstars hard at work (ok, well, not really all that hard at work, but having a good time nonetheless)”]