27 Jul Report
Anniversary: The act of celebration; performance in honor of an event.
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Titus 2:2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
Wilson Creek Baptist Church had the pleasure of honoring Bob and Mary Lou Perryman, the founders of this ministry, on their sixty fifth wedding anniversary. As you can tell the theme of the celebration accented the humble spirit of these great servants of God.
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As a pastor who is much younger than many of the great saints of God who showed up for the reception, I found myself standing amazed at the stability of their faith. Many of them have experienced mountain tops and valleys through life that have caused many to fail or at least falter. Yet these continue on faithful to the word of God as well as the call of God. These who have given so much and ask so little in return.
New Testament Church Planting has the distinct privilege of having “aged” workers who bring stability as well as “sound faith” to our ranks and for this we thank the Lord. The days of lifting and sawing for these workers has passed and advising and sighing have taken their place.
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We thank all of the churches and individuals who support both our workers and loan fund monthly. This allows the ministry to continue to grow for future needs. We ask you also to pray for more workers to come on with us in the future. As I write this letter we have three new families praying about joining with us in helping new and struggling churches across America. This is the key to the future of this ministry as well as the source of stability as well as ability of our work force.
[quote cite=”–“]Please pray for Wayne Murphy and Dave Flarity pictured here. Both men work with us and have gone through health conditions that cause them to pull off the road at times for specific treatment. They have been slowed but have not been put out. and for that we praise the Lord.[/quote]
We have jobs coming up in Texas, Arizona, and Colorado as well as small jobs we use to fill in between the larger projects.
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Continue to pray for many churches who are struggling with finances as well as those which are searching for a pastor.
I would also say a personal thank you to all of our supporters. We realize that there are many worthy ministries who need help.
Pastor Randall Moody
Philippians 1:3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,