14 May Newsletter from Mrs Moody – Second Quarter 2019
Newsletter from Mrs Moody – Second Quarter 2019
“Let not you heart be troubled…in this troubling world.”
What a confusing, depressing night! In John 13, their Lord and Master washes the feet of his disciples like a slave; He tells them the unthinkable that one of them will betray Him. Then Jesus tells Peter, the boldest of the Twelve, that this very night, before the rooster crows at sunrise, Peter will deny knowing Him. Looking around at His disciples, Jesus knows just how troubled and shaken they are. That’s where the disciples were.
Then he begins with John 14, “Let not your heart be troubled,” “Do not let your heart be troubled” or “You must not let your heart be troubled.” Is it a choice? Yes! A troubled heart will take away your calmness of mind.
“Ye believe in God, believe also in me”. Another problem in a troubled heart is fear coupled with unbelief. The greatest problem in man is his fear caused by his unbelief in God.
What men need is a relationship with God through belief or faith in God. As the Lord points out, to believe in God is to also believe in Him who is “the way, the truth, and the life.” Uncertainty or ignorance or a lack of spiritual understanding about God and His plan weakens our faith. This naturally results in troubled hearts.
Mark 16:14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
We should note that if 14:1 introduces our subject, “let not your heart be troubled,” 14:27 concludes it and points us to the results we experience, but only when we accept the Lord’s answers.
People everywhere want peace, do they not? But they are looking for it in all the wrong places… The world can’t give it. Only Jesus Christ can give us peace and untroubled hearts. Christ Jesus is also saying the same words of encouragement to us. He is very mindful of what we are currently going through; He knows our fears, our worries, our pain, and even our doubts. His command for us is to practice a true and confident belief in God, and in Him. The enemy will always lay lies in front of us that can steal our joy, kill our hopes, and destroy our faith in Jesus. We should always hold on to what His Word says. Peace. Do you have that peace that only He can give? (John 14:27)
That one thing that’s been pressing on your heart. Give it to God. And make the choice to leave it there. Choose to trust and believe He’s working on your behalf, even behind the scenes where you can’t see. Ask Him for His Presence of peace to fill your life today.
Do not let your heart be troubled…believe, trust in God, believe and trust in Jesus. We did with our eternal soul, why can’t we trust Him with our everyday lives?
If our Lord could take the time to minister to the disciples troubled hearts the day before His crucifixion, can’t we take the time to invite someone to church with us on this special day Thank you again for your support of this ministry.
Pray you have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday April 21!!
Mrs. Randall Moody