30 Oct Newsletter from Karl and Mary Badalian – September and October, 2015
September and October, 2015
On September 2nd, David and Sharyn Finley arrived back at Fort Scott bringing with them the baptistry they picked up in North Carolina. Lynn and Ellen Robinson put them up at Lake Frances for the two days they were here which allowed them to help us get the baptistry set in place. As we worked on closing in the baptistry area, Pastor Larry Stevicks, Enos Zimmerman, and I framed in and hung a picture that had been painted by Brother Enos’ late wife, Wilma Zimmerman, years before. The painting had hung in the old church baptistry area prior to finding its new home in the new church building. After we completed the work at Fort Scott, Kansas we packed up our trailer and headed to Pleasant Hill, Missouri. Pleasant Hill is the home of the old oprah house that has become the home of Grace and Truth Baptist Church. The upstairs is being transformed into a prophets chamber. A family will be moving in to help with the youth department as the church there continues to grow. The folks in Pleasant Hill are very excited and we wanted to help them get that completed as well, or at least closer to their goal. Again, we intended on being home for the month of October to help our church prepare for their home missions conference, but God’s ways are not our ways and He had different plans for us. God’s plans included going over to Montezuma, Indiana to help with a church there. Pastor Keith McIntyre, and the folks at Independent Baptist Church of Montezuma needed a little help with a platform and sound booth. We arrived late Sunday evening, October 11th and were joined by Doug and Marjorie Brown on October 13th, coming from Tennessee. We just happened to come during their “Covered Bridge Festival”, a big tourist draw that lasts 10 days. Even the schools in the county shut down for that week. We took part of a morning off and drove to a few of the 31 covered bridges in the county. We completed the job in Montezuma on Saturday evening, driving the seven hours back to our home church, Wilson Creek Baptist Church in time to get a couple of hours sleep prior to Sunday morning services. Our Home Missions Conference is always a great time of fellowship. How great it is to hear of all the new ministry works that are starting throughout the country. Thank you all for your continued prayers and faithful support as we travel the country.