12 Jan Newsletter from Karl and Mary Badalian – November and December, 2015
November and December, 2015
On Sunday, November first, we visited two churches we had helped get into their current buildings. First we went by Fort Scott, Kansas to drop off a baptistery heater that our good friend Steve Weisbrod had made for them. We were only able to say hello to the folks in Fort Scott before driving to Jerico Springs, Missouri. It was our first chance meet with our friends in Cedar Hills Baptist Church for services in their new building. November second found us on the road headed south, into Texas. We stopped and spent a few days with Mark Baily and his wife Karen who have a ministry that involves gathering donated items and distributing them to church organizations across the country. While we were at their home base in Crossroads, Texas we helped them complete a storage building for use to warehouse donated goods.
Mid November we were in Katy, Texas and started helping on the project there, meeting up with Doug and Marjorie Brown and Tim and Barbara McHatton. Westside Baptist Church in Katy had constructed a new building for additional classroom space needed for their Christian school. We helped with mudding, taping, and sanding the walls to get them ready for the painters. Next we got busy laying tile throughout most of the building. While we were at Westside Baptist Church we also got to meet (and help) Rubin Ray who drove to Katy from his home church in Albuquerque, New Mexico to hang the ceiling grid.
One Sunday we made a surprise visit to Grace Baptist Church in Porter Texas. What a great time of fellowship with our Porter church family. Getting to see their Christmas cantata was a blessing because our travel made us miss our home church’s Christmas programs. We were also able to attend Christmas programs at Westside Baptist Church, and part of the missions conference across town at Tricounty Baptist Church. Pastor Rick Schrader at Tricounty is a longtime friend of the NTCP ministry, helping fellow churches and the NTCP workers however and whenever he can.
We feel so fortunate God has placed us in this ministry. Although we miss our home church and the fellowship with our friends and family, it is a loving and faithful God that allows us to visit our extended church families around the country as we travel.
Mary and I would like to thank you for your phone calls, cards, and prayers. We think of you all and pray for you all often. Please continue to pray for all the workers laboring in the New Testament Church Planting ministry.