21 Mar Newsletter from Karl and Mary Badalian – January and February, 2016
January and February, 2016
Mary and I were able to remain in Katy Texas working with the folks at Westside Baptist Church until February 15th. Doug and Margie Brown worked along with us until their missions conference made it necessary for them to return home on January 18th. After the Browns left many folks from the church came by to assist with the building either after they got off work or on their days off. What a great time of work and fellowship we enjoyed while we were in Katy. We were able to finish the tile, getting it sealed and looking shiny. (On February 4th we made a quick trip to look at a work in Mountain View Arkansas. Heritage Baptist Church in Mountain View will soon be moving from their storefront facility into a newly purchased property. Praise God for His provision.) Returning to Katy we hung bathroom partitions, ran suspension wires to secure the light fixtures into place, and got the ceiling tiles up in the grid. We can only imagine the ways in which the Lord will have Westside Baptist Church use this new building for His glory and honor. The hardest part of our job in Katy came on February 15th when we had to say good-by to the newest addition of our ever growing Christian family.
Next God directed us to Galilean Baptist Church in Cedar Hill Texas, just south of Dallas. We knew that we would only be able to stay in Cedar Hill a couple of weeks, having promised to be in Mountain View Arkansas the first week of March, so we knew going into the project that each day was precious. Pastor Matt Wilkerson met us there Monday evening late and helped us get our trailer parked at the church. Tuesday we gathered what we needed for the job including the paint, a borrowed bucket lift and driving to Oklahoma to get the New Testament Church Planting paint sprayer. It turned out that the job in Cedar Hill was a great example of God’s provision. In spite of a day of rain, trouble with our truck running, issues with the bucket lift we borrowed and a wind that never really quit blowing, we were able to finish the painting job we came to do. In the end it turns out that all things work together for good for them that love the Lord, to them that are the called according to his purpose.
(Where we are headed: Mountain View Arkansas, Seymore Missouri, Concord New Hampshire, or wherever God directs.)