07 Nov Mrs. Moody’s Update October 2016
Many churches are holding Harvest Festivals of some variety this month. How appropriate to celebrate the beginning of the autumn season. Even more importantly, it is the time to be grateful for the large harvest which has been reaped due to sowing the seed and working the field, and seeing God give the increase.
My husband and I both grew up in Arkansas. Many fields are being harvested this time of year. The fields which have impacted me the most are the cotton fields. White fields just seem to reach out to kiss the horizon. The vastness of the crop to be harvested reminds me of the verse I shared at the beginning of the column. I realize that the Middle East, where this verse was written, probably did not grow cotton! But for me, this verse will always remind me of the white cotton fields ripe unto harvest.
Seeing the many rows of cotton plants have reminded me of the fields of people being white unto harvest. I am more aware of the need to share the gospel with everyone I meet. We are all to be a part of the harvest! I know that farmers spray the cotton plants at harvest time with a chemical so that the plant dies away leaving only the cotton on the stalks. This allows the harvest to go smoothly, with little resistance. With people, we often have to apply the chemistry of sincere friendship so that the leaves of resistance can wither away and the harvest can take place.
And we can all be harvesters. Let’s make fall more than just a fun time at the Harvest Festival. May we all remember the fields are white unto harvest. God has prepared the hearts of people everywhere to search for the true meaning in life, and we have the answer.
On another note, our dear Mrs. Judy Flarity, who lost her husband in June, lost her son to carbon monoxide poising on October 14. She called to let me know she would not be able to make it to our Focus on America Conference. She was scheduled as my speaker for the ladies meeting on Wednesday afternoon. She has had such a wonderful testimony of God’s love and grace after her husband passed. She spoke so often of all the church buildings they were able to work on with New Testament Church Planting. In our conversations, she would always let me know how wonderful it was to work with our team of builders and her husband loving what he was able to do for the Lord the last 8 years of his life. Please continue to pray for this dear lady and her family.
Thank you for all your prayers and financial support for New Testament Church Planting. With your help, we can work together to see many more churches started right here in the USA…the greatest place to live!